Reiver Families of Liddesdale and Canonbie in 1630

I’ve often seen it suggested that what with the wholesale hanging of reivers in the years following 1605 and the considerable exodus of reiver names to the Ulster Plantation after 1609, that areas like Liddesdale and the Debateable Lands of Canonbie were radically changed in the years that followed. And indeed most of the killing, plundering, blackmail and moonlight riding did stop. But what if we were able to see what families were living there in place of the reivers some twenty years later ?

By 1621, the Earl of Buccleuch had acquired pretty much all of Canonbie and much of Liddesdale. And thanks to the historical rental records of the Buccleuch estates we can see exactly who was tenanting all their farms in Liddesdale and Canonbie as early as 1630. I have transcribed the information as best as I can and the results may surprise you. The rental lists are shown in the two links below.

Liddesdale farm rentals in 1630

Canonbie farm rentals in 1630

In Liddesdale you can see that it’s pretty much all Armstrongs and  Ellotts with some Crosers , Nixons and Hendersons

In Canonbie it’s Armstrongs, Irvings and Bells with a few Grahams, Beatties and Littles for good measure. So pretty much the same mix of names that would have been found 30 years earlier.

What’s also noticeable is a smattering of the most infamous reiver families live on – there’s no less than 3 sons of Kinmont Willie and also Lancie Armstrong of Whithaugh. There’s a Clement and a Quentin Croser – definite echoes of their distinctively named reiver forebears.

For some families at least tenanting under  Buccleuch estate management  brought stability and longevity. My own family were Buccleuch tenants in Canonbie for at least 250 years.











Canonbie Militia List – 1802

Following on from my last post regarding the militia lists for Roxburghshire in 1802,  I have found the following information which was transcribed by R.A.Shannon and made available in the Covenant and Hearth series Vol VIII in 1973 available in the Ewart Library in Dumfries.

The original data was taken from the Lieutenancy minutes for the sub-division of Eskdale under the terms of the Militia act 1797. This originally required that a record was made of eligible men in the parish from age 19-23, although by 1802 this had been extended upwards to age 45.

This can be considered as a census substitute for Canonbie parish in Dumfriesshire with all men aged 19-45 in Canonbie parish in 1802.  The third person on this list is my own great great great great grandfather who would have been 39 or 40 at the time.

Surname Forename Location Occupation
Anderson Jas. Woodhouselees carpenter
Armstrong Abel Callsyde clogger
Armstrong Andrew Garden of Glenzier farmer
Armstrong Andrew Loaning labourer
Armstrong Chas Garden of Glenzier farmer
Armstrong Christopher Brockwoodlees farmer
Armstrong Francis Bankhead farmer
Armstrong Fergus Cornerhouse innkeeper
Armstrong Francis Hollis clogger
Armstrong Geo Priorhill farmer
Armstrong Henry Greenrigg servant
Armstrong Jas. Catcleughead farmer
Armstrong Jas. Shillingmoss servant
Armstrong Jas. Sykesyde farmer
Armstrong Jas. Hollishillyett insane
Armstrong John Priorhill farmer
Armstrong John Knowhead farmer
Armstrong John Hairlawhagg farmer
Armstrong John Greenburn farmer
Armstrong John Parkhouse weaver
Armstrong Jas. Callsyde labourer
Armstrong John & John Callsyde weavers
Armstrong John Forge servant
Armstrong John Blackrigg farmer
Armstrong John Glenzierbecknow farmer
Armstrong John Woodhouselees gardener
Armstrong John Woodhouse labourer
Armstrong John Tinnishall servant
Armstrong Joseph Grinstonhead joiner
Armstrong Richard Byreburnfoot blacksmith
Armstrong Richard Pinglebridge labourer
Armstrong Richard Crossdykes
Armstrong Robt. Rowanburnfoot labourer
Armstrong Robt. Blackrigg farmer
Armstrong Thos Knowhead farmer
Armstrong Wm Todknowhead collier
Armstrong Wm Hairlawhole servant
Armstrong Wm Boglehillhead shoemaker
Armstrong Wm Parkhouse weaver
Armstrong Wm Bogglehillhead labourer
Armstrong Wm Glenzierbecknow farmer
Armstrong Wm Garden of Glenzier farmer
Armstrong Wm Grinstonehead weaver
Armstrong Wm Watchill cooper
Ashcrofts Jas. Woodhouslees carpenter
Ashcrofts John Bogilhill collier
Arskine Wm Forgebraehead labourer
Barclay Alexr. Glenzierbecknow weaver
Barclay Francis Glenzierbecknow weaver
Barclay Geo Old Woodhead collier
Beattie Andrew Toomshielburn saddler
Beattie Andrew Hughsrigg farmer
Beattie Francis Tarcoon labourer
Beattie Jas. Parkhall shepherd
Beattie Jas. Greenbraehead farmer
Beattie Jas. Tarcoon labourer
Beattie Jas. Toomshielburn farmer
Beattie Jas. Tower of Sark servant
Beattie Jas. Glenzierhead labourer
Beattie John Padgenrigg labourer
Beattie John Tarcoon labourer
Beattie John Barngliesh labourer
Beattie Richard Greenrigg farmer
Beattie Robt. Tower of Sark servant
Beattie Thos Toomshielburn saddler
Beattie Walter Toomshielburn saddler
Beattie Wm Thornywhatts farmer
Beattie Wm Tarcoon farmer
Bell Adam Grayrigg collier
Bell Arthur Hecks taylor
Bell David Boholm merchant
Bell Francis Andrewsknows labourer
Bell Francis Brickiln taylor
Bell Geo Drybrow farmer
Bell John Mumbyhurst farmer
Bell John Broadridline servant
Bell John Glenzierbecknow cooper
Bell Thos Hagg joiner
Bell Thos Hollishillyett private teacher
Bell Wm Mumbyhirst farmer
Bell Wm Glenzierbecknow weaver
Bevers Robt. Blackrigg servant
Brason Robt. Longraw collier
Brown Andrew Callside weaver
Brown John Callside weaver
Brown Wm Glenzierbecknow weaver
Brockbank John Sillybush weaver
Brockbank Wm Byreburnside merchant
Burges Jas. Hallgreen joiner
Byers Chas Boag servant
Byers Robt. Howgillcleugh servant
Cairns Thos Enthorn farmer
Calvert Jasin Orchard labourer
Carruthers Francis Ryehills farmer
Carruthers Jas. Mossknow farmer
Carruthers Walter Ryehills mason
Clark Adam Tailhead farmer
Clark Geo Callside cooper
Clark John Callside cooper
Clark Michael Callside taylor
Clark Walter Tailhead taylor
Clark Wm Callside weaver
Dalgliesh Adam Woodhouslees collier
Davidson Jas. Barngliesh shepherd
Davidson John Hewsrigg weaver
Davidson John Glenzierfoot farmer
Davidson Matthew Callside weaver
Davidson Robt. Bochlin weaver
Davidson Robt. Glenzierfoot farmer
Davidson Wm Glenzierfoot farmer
Dickson John Toomshielburn farmer
Dickson Simon Barngliesh farmer
Douglas Thos Closses collier
Edgar John Rowanburnfoot farmer
Edgar Richard Boatbankhead labourer
Elliot Andrew Broomyknow collier
Elliot Gilbert Greenbraehead labourer
Elliot Jas. Bograw clogger
Elliot John Bograw farmer
Elliot John Crookholm labourer
Elliot Joseph Hairlawhill
Elliot Robt. Broomyknow farmer
Elliot Robt. Glenzierhead collier
Elliot Robt. Bogilgell blacksmith
Elliot Robt. Hairlawhill farmer
Elliot Thos Bograw blacksmith
Elliot Thos Glenzierhead labourer
Elliot Wm Crookholm farmer
Elliot Wm Archerbeck servant
Ferguson Thos Whitlawside servant
Ferguson Duke Todilwood spirit dealer
Foster Thos Archerbeckburnside labourer
Foster Thos Hillbeck weaver
French Robert Broadmeadows labourer
Gass Wm Grainhead farmer
Gledstanes Jas. Newton mason
Glendinning Edward Broomyknow labourer
Glendinning John Claygate shoemaker
Graham David Hollis miller
Graham Francis Garden labourer
Graham Geo Claygate weaver
Graham John Boholm shoemaker
Graham Peter Greenknow farmer
Graham Robt. Greenknow farmer
Graham Wm Milnsteads farmer
Graham Wm Whiteknow farmer
Grant Alexr. Byreburnside farmer
Grieve Andrew Canonbymuir joiner
Grieve John Watchill collier
Halliday Wm Canonby Manse servant
Heatley Adam Albeyrigg servant
Hill David Tarrasfoot farmer
Hill David Tarcoon farmer
Hill Walter Tarrasfoot merchant
Hogg Andrew Tarcoon joiner
Hogg Edward Mumbyhurst labourer
Hogg Francis Mumbyhurst farmer
Hogg Jas. Tarcoon
Hogg John Tarcoon farmer
Hogg John Hardenside farmer
Hogg Robt. Hardenside labourer
Hogg Robt. Canonbymill labourer
Hogg Walter Albierigg joiner
Hope John Loophill farmer
Hope John Hollis weaver
Hope Peter Brockwoodlees servant
Hope Wm Beeholm collier
Howatson Hugh Enthorn taylor
Howatson John Claygate mason
Hutton John Auchenrivock farmer
Hutton John Knottyholm labourer
Hyslop John Crofhead farmer
Hyslop Simon Kerr farmer
Irving Andrew Battleknow farmer
Irving David Glenzierbecknow farmer
Irving Edward Bograw farmer
Irving Geo Glenzierbecknow farmer
Irving Geo Bograw farmer
Irving John Hawkshill farmer
Irving Wm Canonbymuir farmer
Irving Wm Hagg farmer
Jackson Wm Lymicleuch labourer
Jackson Wm Glenzierhall weaver
Jardine Joseph Jardinehall weaver
Johnston Andrew Toomshielburn servant
Johnston Andrew Glenzierbecknow weaver
Johnston Christopher Grainhead farmer
Johnston John Hollis slater
Johnston Robt. Hollis joiner
Johnston Robt. Woodhouselees gardener
Johnston Wm Hallgreen weaver
Johnston Wm Andrewsknows collier
Kein Wm Hagg joiner
Kerr Jas. Perterburn servant
Kirkpatrick Thos Barngliesh servant
Knox John Brickiln joiner
Knox Thos Priorlinn servant
Lamb John Barrascroft servant
Lamonby Robt. Whiteknow collier
Lattimer Robt. Hollis mason
Lawson Andrew Whiteknow labourer
Lawson Jas. Broadridline labourer
Lawson Walter Broadridline mason
Leishman David Longraw weaver
Leishman John Todknowhead collier
Linton Robt. Blinkbonny weaver
Lithgow John Midtown of Glenzier weaver
Little Alexr. Canonbymuir weaver
Little Andrew Tarrasfoot farmer
Little Chas Thornywhatts farmer
Little David Hairlawhill labourer
Little Geo Rispysike collier
Little Geo Garden farmer
Little Jas. Garden mason
Little Jas. Canonbymuir labourer
Little Jas (jnr) Beckhall farmer
Little John Barrascroft farmer
Little John Crookholm farmer
Little John Whiteknow farmer
Little John Priorhill joiner
Little John Shorthsholm merchant
Little John Beckhall farmer
Little Lewis Priorhill blacksmith
Little Richard Lymiecleuch merchant
Little Robt. Crookholm farmer
Little Robt. Canonbymuir joiner
Little Thos Canonbymuir labourer
Little Walter Woodhouslees blacksmith
Little Wm Rowanburnfoot servant
Little Wm Knowhead clogger
Little Wm Crookholm farmer
Loard Jas. Glenzierfoot labourer
Lockhart Jas. Canonbymuir carter
McCorkindale Alex Thornywhatts farmer
McDowall John Callside weaver
McGlasson Christopher Shortsholm labourer
McGlasson John Closses labourer
McGlasson Thos Closses weaver
McGlasson Wm Closses collier
McKie Alex Grainhead taylor
McVane Peter Padgenrigg blacksmith
Martin Jas. Callside weaver
Martin John Milnsteads farmer
Martin Matthew Callside weaver
Martin Robt. Milnsteads farmer
Martin Wm Callside cooper
Maxwell Geo Priorlinn farmer
Maxwell Othello Priorlinn Servant – black
Maxwell Wm Crowsknow farmer
Moffat John Priorhill joiner
Murray Andrew Byreburnfoot blacksmith
Murray Christopher Todknowhead labourer
Murray David Forgebraehead blacksmith
Murray David Mearburnfoot shepherd
Murray Gideon Callside carter
Murray Jas. Canonbymuir merchant
Murray Jas. Boholm shoemaker
Murray John Byreburnfoot bankman
Murray Robert Brickbarn surgeon
Murray Thos Boholm shoemaker
Murray Wm Bullmansknow Tollbar keeper
Murray Wm Glenzierhead farmer
Nicol David Eskbank surgeon
Nicol Wm Lymiecleuch collier
Nicol Wm Glebefieldhouse cooper
Nicol Wm Perterburn joiner
Oliver John Newoodhead servant
Oliver Wm Priorhill collier
Pott Jas. Midlerigg labourer
Purvis Wm Jockshill labourer
Rae Arthur Callside weaver
Rae Robert Callside weaver
Riddell Robt. Broadmeadows clogger
Robson Geo Glenzierhall farmer
Rome John Tinnishall farmer
Rule Alexander Archerbeck shoemaker
Scoon Francis Catsbit carter
Scoon John Crookholm labourer
Scoon John Callside drover
Scoon Robt. Catsbit collier
Scott Adam Shillingmoss farmer
Scott David Glenzierbecknow weaver
Scott Gideon Boag servant
Scott Jas. Forgebraehead labourer
Scott John Callside mason
Scott John Crookholm farmer
Scott John Broadmeadows labourer
Scott Thos Woodhouse clogger
Scott Walter Archerbeck labourer
Scott Wm Bankhead farmer
Sommerville Archbd. New woodhead mason
Sommerville John Glencartholm farmer
Sommerville Walter Glencartholm farmer
Steel Richard Closses farmer
Swan Adam Forge servant
Taylor James Jockshill farmer
Taylor Wm Knittyholm charcoal burner
Telfer Jas. Broomyknow collier
Telfer John Lodge farmer
Telfer John Tail weaver
Telfer John Brockwoodlees labourer
Telfer Thos Tail weaver
Thomson Gillford Longraw labourer
Thomson John Whiteknow farmer
Thomson Peter Loaning collier
Thomson Richard Enthorn farmer
Ward Francis Broomyknow labourer
Ward Jas. Broomyknow farmer
Warwick Andrew Slacks fish hook dresser
Warwick Andrew Tinnishall servant
Warwick John Grindstonehead joiner
Warwick John Hecks farmer
Warwick Wm Chappelhill farmer
Watt John Priorhill joiner
Watt Joseph Callside clogger
Waugh Andrew Andrewsknows farmer
Waugh George Ladyhousesteads farmer
Waugh John Ladyhousesteads farmer
Wightman Arthur Mossknow servant
Wightman John Smithysike labourer
Wylie James Woodhouselees servant
Wylie Richard Closses collier
Wylie Wm Byreburnside collier
Young Wm Milltown of Sark weaver