With a special interest in family history in Canonbie parish, I have brought together a unique set of resources which everyone with ancestors from the parish should find to be of interest. These are designed to complement the information that can be got from the conventional genealogical resources that you might use such as Old Parish Registers, Censuses and Monumental Inscriptions. Hopefully, they may help you in your search. Some of these resources are available free of charge. There is a small Paypal charge for others. There are now Rental transcriptions available here for 9 different periods between 1630 and 1833 with more to come.
Find here a list of farms/locations in Canonbie Parish (as recorded in the Buccleuch Estate Records of 1814/15)
Also check out our Liddesdale resources or Eskdale resources for download.
Canonbie Farm Rental 1630 transcribed from the earliest available Buccleuch Estate Records. Almost all of the parish was owned by the Buccleuch Estates. 2 pages.
Canonbie Farm Rental 1683-1684 4-page document covering the rental of all of the farms in Canonbie parish. The rental information is a direct transcription of Buccleuch Estate Records.
Canonbie Farm Rental 1701-1702 4-page document covering the rental of all of the farms in Canonbie parish. The rental information is a direct transcription of Buccleuch Estate Records. Almost all of the parish was owned by the Buccleuch Estates.
Canonbie Farm Rental 1710 4-page document covering the rental of all of the farms in Canonbie parish. The rental information is a direct transcription of Buccleuch Estate Records. Almost all of the parish was owned by the Buccleuch Estates. At this time almost all of the farms had multiple tenants and they are all named. Rents are quoted in Sterling for the first time. Here’s a small section of the original document for reference
Canonbie Farm Rental 1738-1739 transcribed from original Buccleuch Estate Records. At this time most of the farms were in multiple tenancy so there are about 170 tenants included. 3 pages.
Canonbie Farm Rental 1766-1767 transcribed from Buccleuch Estate Records. About 200 tenancies included. 5 pages.
Canonbie Estate Rental 1792-1793 lists about 250 tenants of both farms and individual houses, transcribed from Buccleuch Estate records. This rental in particular includes not only farm tenants but cottagers as well. 12 pages.
Canonbie Estate Rental 1814-1815 lists about 200 tenants of both farms and individual houses. Indexed by location. 8 pages.
Canonbie Estate Rental 1833 lists about 200 tenants of both farms and individual houses. Indexed by location. 5 pages.
NEW! Bundle of ALL Canonbie Rentals 1630-1833 All 9 of the Canonbie Rental documents available on this site (1630, 1683-84, 1701-02, 1710, 1738-39, 1766-1767, 1792-93, 1814-15, 1833) available as a bundle (zip file) for a special price. What is notable when comparing these rentals is the way that successive generations of a family often inherited the tenancy of a particular farm.
Canonbie Communicant Roll 1749-1760 A very early list of those taking communion in the Church of Scotland. Provides over 500 names and addresses of adults (extracted from Kirk Session records)
Canonbie Militia List 1802 over 300 names of men age 18-45 eligible for militia service in 1802. Includes addresses and occupations.
Canonbie Irregular Marriages 1708-1855 over 250 irregular marriages of Canonbie residents identified within the Kirk Session records. Most of these marriages do not appear in the OPRs. Indexed by both male and female surnames.
Canonbie Ante-nuptial Fornication Rebukes 1708-1855 over 250 couples named who have conceived a child out of wedlock and have subsequently got married. Particularly useful for marriages before 1768 for which there are no OPR listings. Indexed by both male and female surnames.
Canonbie Illegitimate Births 1708 – 1855 around 975 illegitimate births recorded. Lists mother and the accused father. Locations often named. Child’s name not given. Indexed by mother’s name.
Canonbie Illegitimate Births 1708 – 1855 around 975 illegitimate births recorded. Lists mother and the accused father. Locations often named. Child’s name not given. Indexed by father’s name.
Eskdale & Canonbie Hearth Tax 1690-1692 list of hearths as recorded in 1690. The lists are somewhat incomplete especially for Canonbie parish but still a useful resource.