Kirkpatrick Fleming Parish Kirk Session Extracted Births & Marriages 1783-1825
Above all Kirkpatrick Fleming was the parish of the Irvings. Situated just north of Gretna on the English border, it was a natural home for Border reivers in the 16th century. And 200 years later, there were still many Irvings, not to mention Carruthers, Bells and Armstrongs in the area. They are all there in the lists of illegitimate births, irregular marriages and antenuptial fornication extracted from the Kirk Session records of 1783-1825. These are designed to complement the information that can be got from the conventional genealogical resources that you might use such as Old Parish Registers, Censuses and Monumental Inscriptions. Hopefully, they may help you in your family history search. There is a small Paypal charge for this document. By doing this, we will be able to make further indexed kirk session documentation available for other parishes soon.
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By Colin Smith, CC BY-SA 2.0,
Kirkpatrick Fleming Parish Kirk Session Birth & Marriage Events 1783 – 1825 Around 270 illegitimate births recorded Lists mother and the accused father. Locations often named. Child’s name not given. In chronological order. Also Irregular Marriages and Antenuptial Fornications.